14th of November

Renowned horse trainer Bart Cummings was born on the 14th of November 1927 in Adelaide, South Australia. Also born today: Nat Young, Brooke Satchwell, Adam…

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29th of October

29th of October

Former World number one tennis player, Frank Sedgman, was born in Mont Albert, Victoria, on the 29th of October 1927. Also born on this day: Eddie McGuire, Greg Blewett, Matthew…

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24th of August

24th of August

On this day for the 24th of August. Born today Award-winning author David Ireland, Composer Richard Meale, broadcaster Erin Molan…

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13th of June

13th of June

Born on the 13th of June: Red Symonds, Slim Dusty, Ante Covic, Esther Anderson. Passing away on this day, Jim Keays, Ben Chifley…

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