12th of December

Jack Brabham won his first Formula One World Championship after coming 4th in the USA Grand Prix on the 12th of December 1959.

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9th of December

1929 23rd Prime Minister of Australia, Bob Hawke, was born on the 9th of December 1929 in Bordertown South Australia. Hawke was Prime Minister from the 11th of March 1983 until the 20th of December 1991.

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8th of December

1964 Singer-songwriter James Blundell was born in Stanthorpe, Queensland, on the 8th of December 1964.

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7th of December

7th of December

The 6th Prime Minister of Australia, Joseph Cook, was born on the 7th of December 1860 in Staffordshire, England. Also born today: Geoff Lawson, Mark Geyer…

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6th of December

6th of December

Founder of Arnott’s Biscuits, William Arnott, was born on the 6th of December 1827 in Pathhead, Scotland. Also born today Alan McGilvray, Ally Fowler, Tim…

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5th of December

5th of December

Harry Holgate AO, the 36th Premier of Tasmania, was born in Maitland, NSW, on the 5th of December 1933. Also born today, Tony Crafter, Denise Drysdale, Cooper…

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